Sourdough September

Sourdough September

This month we are taking part in the Real Bread Campaign’s Sourdough September – a time to celebrate all things sourdough – have you tried our classic, seeded or rye varieties yet? Our sourdoughs are one of the most popular range of loaves that we make here at Baker Tom. The delicious combination of flours, our very own sourdough starter and a little salt and water and you have the perfect tummy-friendly loaf that is perfect with everything.

We have three varieties available in our shops all delicious in flavour and unique in texture.

Classic – This long-fermented, yeast-free loaf is full of moreish, tangy flavour with a golden crust and open crumb.

Seeded – A rich, nutty flavour – with a punchy, sour tang – enhanced by a 7-seed mix and pumpkin seeds. A wholesome source of good fats and omegas.

Rye – A dense, flavoursome, tangy loaf, low in gluten and high in fibre.

Heres our top tips for creating the perfect Sourdough loaf.

Tip one: Time is your friend … time means taste. Compared to yeast-based bread, Sourdough will need much more time for the dough to properly develop. Some of our sourdough loaves have an 18-hour development process, per loaf!! So, do not make sourdough bread when you are in a hurry, ‘it takes as long as it takes’

Tip Two: Do not be discouraged if your first sourdough bake is not perfect. This is perfectly normal. Like with all baking you need to learn and get to understand your dough and its quirks in combination with your surroundings, your material, and ingredients. There are lots of factors that need to come together.

Treat your starter like a much-loved pet or newborn with plenty of attention and care; as you take some starter away to bake a loaf, lovingly feed the rest with more flour and water as required. Starters are like a fine wine, improving with age. After baking sourdough a few times, you’ll get the feeling for the best sourdough culture for you … every starter is bespoke to the baker.

Tip three: creating a unique starter is the most important part of baking your sourdough.
But what is a starter?! It’s flour and water that’s allowed to sit and ferment to cultivate a wild yeast. The wild yeast works hand in hand with natural bacteria, and it’s this bacteria that produce the tasty sour flavours and aromas. No two sourdoughs are the same!

Tip four: Sourdough bread has a wonderfully tangy sour flavour, a deep, chewy, satisfying crust, and textured crumb. The higher the hydration of the dough, the softer and more open the crumb. Sourdough is so popular as its one of the tastiest and healthiest yeast-free loaves, but perhaps the trickiest to bake… it is therefore a wonderful challenge for a home baker.

Comment below with your tips and tricks for other bread makers to try!

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